Friday, October 31, 2008

Fight for Bud Cramer's seat gets down and dirty

The Shoals Insider got to sit down with Gov. Bob Riley last week. After his endorsement of Wayne Parker, the Gov said he knew both men and that is why he endorsed Parker. I asked Riley if he was surprised by the negative campaigning in this race. "Not at all" said Riley. "There is so much at stake here. It's more than most people know." Riley was referring to the Democratic controlled congress and our future with a possible Obama presidency.

It does appear Democrats have the momentum now. Political insiders are still waiting for a video or audio tape to surface on Michelle or Barack Obama.

We feel a vigilant press would do far better than negative campaign ads. I think most would agree, the negative campaign ads do more harm than good. The sad thing is they do work. Experts say negative campaign ads, while unpleasant, work to inform voters about the candidates.

Democrats and republicans agree Gov. Bob Riley has been and is still the best governor Alabama has seen in years. He, with the help of the legislature, has brought more jobs and industry to Alabama than anyone I can remember .

An endorsement from Riley should help Parker. However, there will be record turn out for the presidential race. This could work in Parker Griffith's favor.

We also talked with Parker Griffith. He is a conservative democrat.
Griffith is pro-life and seems dead set on bringing new jobs to North Alabama.

We at Shoals Insider are not going to make an endorsement in this race. We feel the voters should decide. Unlike other media outlets, the Shoals Insider is not going to tell you how to vote.

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