Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sheffield mayoral campaign finally over

The citizens of Sheffield have spoken and Ian Sanford will be the next mayor. We were the first in the Shoals to report the victory. I can't say that I remember a local mayors race getting this heated. Emotions have run high. One could probably argue that is a good thing, but, I can't say that. At the end of this whole election fiasco, it seems a lot of people got their feelings hurt. While we at Shoals Insider never endorsed anyone, we did try to bring fair coverage to you, our readers. We at Shoals Insider get up early in the morning scanning news feeds and the news wire to bring you a broad spectrum of coverage as it effects us here in the Shoals.

I feel all of the coverage of this mayors race has raised the public's awareness of the issues in Sheffield. All of the newly elected officials would do well to remember the people are watching them now, more than ever. We hope to keep you informed on the issues that effect your lives. Some say what is the big deal about all of these little city races. We say they are big because the decisions that they make will have an impact on your lives. As one Fox News television host says "We're looking out for you" Shoals Insider

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