Thursday, September 25, 2008

Well "the foot" turns out to be that of a bear

Today, we have word that "the foot" belongs to a bear, not a human. It is still very amazing how far and wide the news spread, as I mentioned in an earlier post. I wish I could have seen "the foot" than maybe I could have made my own deductions. I will now wait and see if the corrected word travels as far as the human story has traveled. I did not realize there were that many similarities
between the human foot and the foot of a bear. Hmmmm. Well, we at Shoals Insider will still continue to report the news. I still can't believe we had to send "the foot" to UAB for identification.
I now wonder about the medical personnel in Franklin County. Did a physician examine the foot?
Did he have gross anatomy? These questions will haunt me for some time.

Shoals Insider

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. It looks like someone would have noticed. I love your site. Keep up the good work. Shoals Insider ROCKS.